Friday, October 18, 2013

Could a stand-alone DM app let Twitter take on BBM, WhatsApp, and Facebook?

Twitter preparing refresh of direct messages, may launch standalone messages app

Twitter appears to be planning a revamp of its direct messaging feature, possibly including the launch of a standalone application for the feature. Recently, the company began allowing people to receive direct messages from all users, should they choose, including those that they do not follow. But Twitter may also preparing a standalone app for direct messages, which could arrive later this year, according to All Things D:

But Twitter’s new vision for direct messages will go further. It has kicked around the idea of launching a standalone direct-messaging application separate from the Twitter app, according to three people familiar with the matter. It is unclear, however, what form the final revamp of direct messages will take.

Twitter is also preparing a major refresh of its mobile app for later this year, and its possible that direct messages will have a more prominent place then. It's quite a change from just a couple of years ago, when Twitter's app was redesigned, and direct messages moved, almost hidden away. Completely discontinuing direct messages was discussed at one point as well.

But Twitter seems to have caught on to the fact that users often want a way to message their friends privately. Messaging apps like WhatsApp are increasing in popularity, and Facebook has its own standalone messaging app. Twitter may be hoping that a renewed focus on direct messages will help solve its growth issues ahead of their upcoming IPO.

How do you use Twitter's direct messages? Would you want a standalone app for them? Let us know in the comments.

Source: All Things D


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