Saturday, November 10, 2012

How to Reduce Asthma Triggers - Health Me Up


How to Reduce Asthma Triggers

Asthma attacks squeeze the life out of the sufferer and scare everyone around. When the attack strikes, the patient is a sitting duck without the inhaler. Instead of swallowing live fish to stop the attacks, there are a few measures that you can incorporate at home to prevent asthma attack triggers. Let's take a look...

Dust proof your home

Dust is a cause for triggering cold, asthma and respiratory problems. Guess there is something to cleanliness is next to Godliness. If possible, wipe the dust off surfaces with a damp cloth, it will help you stay away from inhaling dust. A clean home does not attack pests.

Pesticide the pests

Dust mites, rodents, and roaches can cause asthma attacks. It is wise to empty out the trash everyday, eradicate the pests and prevent ways to attract these pests.

Do not smoke at home
Smoking triggers asthma attacks; hence it is advisable to quit smoking. Besides cigars and cigarettes, asthma can be triggered with smoke from fire, burning of garden waste or any sort of waste.

Atmospheric changes
Change in weather, cold and dry temperature, increase in pollen in the air and even air pollution can trigger asthma attack.?

Vacuum carpet and wash the linen regularly
Carpets and curtains tend to be ignored when it comes to cleanliness. Washing and vacuuming the linens is the best way to fight asthma triggers.

Mold can trigger an attack

Molds produce when there is a lot of moisture, they thrive during the monsoon. Painting and waterproofing eliminates molds in the air.

Read more on Asthma Anxiety

Cold and sinus
If you have a cold, cough and sinus, you can have an asthma attack. The wise option would be to get help immediately. Visit your doctor for a speedy remedy.

Pets can cause an attack

Animal fur can trigger an attack. Dust and vacuum the fur regularly to reduce your chances from inhaling fur.

Strong perfume, deodorants, cleaning agents, air fresheners can trigger an attack. Fragrant and odour free products can reduce your chances of experiencing asthma.

Fear, anger, screaming, stress can also spark an asthma attack.

*Images courtesy: ? Thinkstock photos/ Getty Images


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